GWI Initiatives Are Instrumental in Empowering Wellness Worldwide
The nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) supports a wide range of important industry initiatives that further the growth of the various sectors of the wellness economy. Led by Initiative Chairs who are renowned thought-leaders in their field, GWI Initiatives have been instrumental in powering the growth of the multi-trillion-dollar wellness economy and uniting the health and wellness industries.
From “The First 1000 Days” to “Dying Well” and from “Mental Wellness” to the “Web3,” over 34 focused Initiatives bring together global leaders to identify best practices, create and trumpet resources and identify trends.
View all the GWI Initiatives here.
Each year the Initiatives publish the trends shaping their field. The 2022 GWI Initiative Trends were recently published, from “Hybrid Living” to “The Metaverse Gets Mental” to “Governments Are Waking Up to Wellness” to “The ABCs of LSD,” providing an insider view from a network of global thought leaders on shifts in the wellness economy. These can be found on each individual Initiative page.
View the GWI Initiative Projects and/or GWI Initiative Blogs to explore the wide variety of resources and opportunities the GWI Initiatives are creating to further our mission to empower wellness worldwide, ranging from campaigns to raise awareness about a certain issue, white papers, practical booklets, trends, best practices and more.
Explore the many ways to benefit from GWI resources and get involved: Subscribe to The Brief, Download Research, Reference Wellness Evidence, Become an Ambassador, Be Part of The Wellness Moonshot, Become a Country Partner, Support the Susie Ellis Scholarship for Equity in Wellness or Donate Today.