There’s an ever-growing body of medical evidence demonstrating that numerous wellness approaches–from acupuncture to yoga–can have powerful health benefits. Wellness Evidence makes research on dozens of wellness and integrative medicine approaches easily accessible.

The Cost of the Traditional Healthcare System

Traditional healthcare systems focus on curing disease rather than prevention and helping people make lifestyle changes. The cost of traditional care has reached a tipping point for many people, employers and governments.

The Human Cost of Preventable Disease

  • 74% of all deaths globally are a result of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)–the vast majority of which are largely preventable chronic diseases–such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers, etc.–and that percentage has risen from 61% in 2000–World Health Organization, 2022
  • The global cost of largely preventable chronic diseases is estimated to reach a staggering $47 trillion by 2030–World Economic Forum
  • Worldwide, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. 39% of adults are now overweight, and 13% are obese–World Health Organization, 2022
  • 537 million people globally have diabetes and 783 million are predicted to by 2045, or a 46% increase–International Diabetes Federation, 2021
  • The number of adults with high blood pressure/hypertension nearly doubled to 1.28 billion from 1990-2019–World Health Organization, 2022
  • The next health crisis is mental: 7 in 10 people globally report they are struggling mentally–and stress, worry and sadness reached record highs in 2020 (Gallup, 2021). Major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders increased 28% and 26% in 2020, globally (tens of millions more cases)–World Health Organization, 2021

The Medical Evidence for Wellness Approaches

People typically imagine that scientific evidence only sides with traditional medicine (i.e., drugs and procedures). And certainly, far more clinical studies (and funding for them) have been devoted to conventional clinical and pharmaceutical approaches. But medical professionals increasingly agree there is hard evidence for many integrative/alternative therapies and mind-body approaches. And all informed providers agree that physical activity, healthy nutrition, sleep, stress-reduction and attitude changes have an enormous impact on health.

Global Wellness Institute research shows that wellness is a $4.4 trillion global economy (2021), which includes 11 sectors: 1) beauty and personal care, 2) healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss, 3) physical activity, 4) wellness tourism, 5) traditional & complementary medicine, 6) public health, prevention and personalized medicine, 7) wellness real estate 8) mental wellness, 9) spas, 10) workplace wellness, and 11) thermal/mineral springs.

Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

This website is intended as a reference source, not as a medical guide for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. While the intent of Wellness Evidence is to provide useful and informative data, neither the publishers nor any other party affiliated with this website renders or recommends the use of specific research, clinics, hospitals, professional services, including clinical or spa practitioners, third-party agencies, or any other source cited throughout this website.

Wellness Evidence should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical or wellness professional. The publishers expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that might arise from the information found in the Wellness Evidence portal.