The Definition of WONDER
- To have a desire or curiosity to know more
- To feel surprise mixed with admiration
- To uncover something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable
Read February’s article by Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Board
and CEO of Wisdom Works Group, and learn how to use WONDER as a springboard to inspire actionable steps, tangible involvement, and active participation in the powerful global movement: The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease.
Here are a few tips excerpted from the article:
Shake up the normal. Encourage employees and colleagues to break up their work routines by walking outdoors. Give teams permission to forget being serious, at least for a little while, and bring humor into a meeting.
Wonder outside the box. Invite your teams to genuinely ask, “What else could be true?” and broaden everyone’s perspectives about a problem. Hire and reward curiosity.
Embrace wonder strategically. The pandemic has disrupted traditional approaches for wellness engagement. Involve employees and partners to engage in wonder to your organization’s advantage by asking, “What radical wellness opportunities is it now time to embrace?”
Manifest wonder from within. Most people wait for the world to stimulate wonder within them. Instead, ask yourself, “How can I bring an attitude of wonder to life, rather than waiting for life to amaze me?”
Prioritize wonderful thinking. What experiences bring out wonder within you? Write down your list, then identify how you’ll make wonder a conscious practice every year, every month, and, better yet, every single day. This is also a good team exercise.
The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease is a huge commitment. How will you bring a sense of wonder into this responsibility? Share your ideas on social media using #wellnessmoonshot, and we’ll spread your inspiration to wellness leaders worldwide. And don’t forget to join in the Wellness Moonshot celebration on February 26 to inspire and learn from others!
Next month, we’ll touch on what the topic of PROSPER means to leading wellness. Until then, check out each of these Wellness Moonshot articles from past years with science insights and strategies to support you on your wellness leadership journey.
Additional Resources
- Customize The Wellness Moonshot resources. Contact Kendra Kobler ([email protected]) for specific ways to tailor The Wellness Moonshot branding assets and educational materials to meet the needs and aspirations of your company, community or country.
- Browse the numerous Global Wellness Institute Initiatives. Each represents thought leadership for advancing wellness in industries, geographies and sectors around the world.
- Check out the thought-provoking global projects presented at the latest Global Wellness Summit.
- Understand factors driving the growth of the mental wellness economy and the pathways for improving mental wellness.
Learn more about the GWI’s PositivelyWell movement to focus on positivity, resilience, optimism and wellness during COVID-19.