Dying Well Initiative Resources

The Global Wellness Institute serves as an umbrella organization for numerous Initiatives, that are independently chaired and run. The resources, editorial, research and opinions presented by the Initiatives do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Global Wellness Institute.

Revisiting Bereavement & Grief in the Workplace

Revisiting Bereavement & Grief in the Workplace

Revisiting Bereavement & Grief in the Workplace The Dying Well Initiative's Trend #5 for the year 2022 was, "A refocus on bereavement leave policies in workplace bereavement."  Better late than never, we recently hosted a webinar exploring this important topic, ... Read More
Additional Websites

Additional Websites

Dying Well Initiative Additional Websites Lantern: Dealing with death is hard. Get your free step-by-step guide on how to navigate your life before and after a death. The Virtual Funeral Collective: Death, Grief and Funerals in the COVID Age What's your ... Read More
Dying Well Initiative Collaborations

Dying Well Initiative Collaborations

GWI Initiative Collaborations Dying Well Initiative: The Importance of Grief and End of Life Support in the Workplace While end of life, loss and grief are difficult topics, the disruptive impact of COVID-19, social injustice and loss from natural disasters ... Read More