Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative

2023 Trends

TREND 1: Anxiety and Depression

TREND 2: Mental Health

TREND 3: Massage as a Healthcare Modality

TREND 4: Mindfulness


2021 Trends

TREND 1: Massage Usage Increase

TREND 2: Increased Consumer Savvy

TREND 3: Hygiene and Vaccination Protocols

TREND 4: Growing Beyond Hemp

TREND 5: Massage and Technology Tools

TREND 6: Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day


2020 Trends

TREND 1: Massage Usage Increase

TREND 2: Increased Consumer Savvy

TREND 3: Workplace Massage

TREND 4: Increased Hygiene Protocols

TREND 5: Session Timing Changes

TREND 6: Healing with Hemp

TREND 7: Massage & Technology Tools

TREND 8: Global Massage Makes Me Happy Day



The Global Wellness Institute serves as an umbrella organization for numerous Initiatives, that are independently chaired and run. The resources, editorial, research and opinions presented by the Initiatives do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Global Wellness Institute.