Cryotherapy Initiative Trends for 2023

Cryotherapy Initiative 2023 Trends The Global Wellness Institute’s Cryotherapy Initiative is all about the benefits of cold but cryotherapy is a very “hot” trend. The Initiative team presents the new aspects of this trend as individual “trends,” as follows: TREND 1: Electrical-driven Systems are Being Substituted for Gas-driven systems in Cryotherapy Gas/nitrogen driven systems use evaporation of gas to generate ultra-low temperatures, while electricity driven…

Breathe Initiative Trends

Breathe Initiative Breathwork and breathing is a top trend found in almost every aspect of wellness, from mental health to the workplace. The Global Wellness Institute’s Breathe Initiative compiled these top trends for 2023. They spotlight how specific aspects of the trend apply to an array of wellness environments. 2023 Trends TREND 1: Nasal Breathing & Mouth Tape: Bringing Relief for Asthma and Sleep Apnea…

GWI to Release First Wellness Policy Toolkit on Physical Activity

GWI to Release First Wellness Policy Toolkit on Physical Activity April 14 The GWI’s new Wellness Policy Series was born out of a profound reality: the private wellness market and consumer action alone cannot bring wellness to all and address our global skyrocketing health crises. Public policy is essential to fill the gaps. The series includes seven forthcoming wellness policy toolkits  (from healthy eating to wellness in…

Exercise: 1.5 Times More Effective Than Medication and Therapy for Depression

In the most comprehensive review (2023) of global studies to date (1,097 trials, 128,000+ participants), University of South Australia researchers found that exercise should be the “first choice treatment” for depression, anxiety and psychological distress, as it improves symptoms 1.5 times better than both leading medications and talk therapy. Every type of exercise—from walking to resistance training to yoga—proved beneficial. The benefits were seen in every…

The “Premiumization” of the Wellness Market: A Worrisome Trend

The “Premiumization” of the Wellness Market: A Worrisome Trend   By Thierry Malleret, economist Rich economies are now gentrifying as businesses narrow their focus on the wealthiest consumers: doubling down on premium, exclusive goods and experiences for high-end customers with stripped-down offerings for the rest. The wellness economy is at the forefront of this new gentrification. Whether it’s pricey new fitness clubs, wellness resorts, or well-tech,…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (March 29th, 2023)

2023 World Happiness Report released: Finland the happiest nation again and global benevolence is rising– CNN, March 20, 2023  There’s cause for optimism in the latest report on world happiness: benevolence is about 25% higher than it was pre-pandemic and global happiness has not taken a hit in the three years of the pandemic. For the sixth year in a row, Finland is the world’s happiest…