
Sound Wellness Initiative Media A Coming COVID Catastrophe! – Before Its News Stanley Jordan – an interview on Sonic Healing – YouTube Sound Healing Initiative – YouTube With this FREQUENCY You will Manifest Anything in Your Life, by Dr. Bruce Lipton – YouTube Excerpt from Alive Inside, a documentary about the Music and Memory nonprofit project, a film by Michael Rossato-Bennett – YouTube My Brain on…

Sound Wellness Research

Sound Wellness Initiative Research 2019 Research Shows We Can Heal With Vibration, Frequency & Sound, Can Music Really Destroy Cancer Cells?, Vibroacoustic sound therapy improves pain management and more, 2017 Autism Symptoms Reversed Applying Sound Frequencies, Autism Solutions 2017 The Science of Curing Cancer and Other Diseases with Sound and Resonant Frequencies, Waking Times 2016 Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on…

Books on Psychedelics and Entheogens

Books on Psychedelics and Entheogens Curated by Psychedelics & Healing Founding Member, Sa’ad Shah, cofounder of the Noetic Fund Ayahuasca in My Blood, Peter Gorman Entangled Life, Merlin Sheldrake Entheogens and the Future of Religion, Robert Forte Good Chemistry, Julie Holland How to Change your Mind: What the New Science of PsychedelicsTeaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence,Michael Pollan In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close…


Mental Wellness Initiative Interviews 2020 Parin Siddhartha Ravichanthiran, Oxford student tells Dr Gerry Bodeker of the Global Wellness Institute about the support available for students both financial and pastoral, at this time of MCOs. Watch Interview HERE Azrin, from the Oxford University Malaysia Club Interviews Dr Gerry Bodeker about Youth Action for Mental Wellness. Watch Interview HERE Governmental Representatives Wellness Leaders H.E. Mr. Jigmi Thinley,…

Mental Wellness Initiative at the Global Wellness Summit

Mental Wellness Initiative at the Global Wellness Summit Global Wellness Summit 2018 Mental Wellness: Pathways, Evidence and Horizons; Many Roads to the Mountaintop Prof. Gerry Bodeker, PhD, chair, Mental Wellness Initiative, GWI & Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, UK Watch Presentation HERE Taking the Mental Wellness Message to the Wider Public Panel moderated by Prof. Gerry Bodeker, PhD, chair, Mental Wellness Initiative, GWI & Green…