Wellness Tourism Initiative Collaboration Call

  Wellness Tourism Initiative Collaboration: New Research: What Will the Future of Wellness Tourism Look Like? Katherine Droga, founder Droga & Co, Adam Glickman, principal of Parallax Wellness + Hospitality, and the Wellness Tourism Initiative prepared an hour of insights and inspiration. During this Zoom call the team shared actionable results from their not yet released, global survey, which took the temperature of over 2,000…

Surprising COVID-19 Outcome: New Sugar Taxes in the UK (Led by Boris Johnson)

A surprising winner of the pandemic might be a sugar tax in the UK.  Several articles in the British media suggest that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now convinced that being overweight was a decisive factor in the severity of the COVID-19 he suffered, and that led him to an intensive-care unit. This observation linking excess weight with an aggravated condition of COVID-19 sufferers is…

Accelerating Wellness Trends: “Digital Everything,” Even Less Meat, Functional and Immunity-Focused Foods

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”—although an overused quote during the pandemic, COVID-19 has proven Lenin right. It’s been and will continue to be a formidable accelerator and catalyst of existing trends. Here are several trends in the wellness space being fed by systemic connectivity. One overarching trend that will enormously benefit wellbeing in the post-pandemic era: COVID-19…

The New Frugal, Anti-Consumerist Ethic & the Wellness Industry

MONTHLY BAROMETER: It is the younger generation entering the labor market today that will feel the effect of the current crisis for decades to come. Study after study shows that it should expect lower employment rates, lower incomes and greater social problems (including more divorce and more premature deaths). This translates into palpable consequences for businesses and investors. One illustration: Over the past weeks, Chinese…

Dying Well Initiative Collaborations

GWI Initiative Collaborations Dying Well Initiative: The Importance of Grief and End of Life Support in the Workplace While end of life, loss and grief are difficult topics, the disruptive impact of COVID-19, social injustice and loss from natural disasters are impacting the people who make our businesses succeed. We met Candi Cann, PhD, death scholar and researcher and associate professor at Baylor University; Liz…

Workplace Wellbeing Initiative Collaborations

  Wellness at Work Initiative Collaboration: Leading in the Next Normal: Setting the Agenda to Thrive Part 1: A Conversation about Leadership with VP’s at The Coca-Cola Company & Barilla Every organization has been touched by the global pandemic and the deep unrest emerging in its wake. To help navigate our way through these uncertain times, the GWI’s Wellness at Work Initiative is hosting a…