Why is exercise good for you?

Why is exercise good for you? Scientists are finding answers in our cells Decades of evidence shows that exercise leads to healthier, longer lives. Researchers are just starting to work out what it does to cells to reap this reward. Decades of evidence shows that exercise leads to healthier, longer lives. Researchers are just starting to work out what it does to cells to reap…

Wellness Economy Research Webinar: Mental Wellness

Wellness Economy Research Webinar MENTAL WELLNESS Faced with worsening mental health and rising rates of loneliness, global communities are searching for ways to promote our wellbeing. Watch the Global Wellness Institute Research Fellows in a conversation led by Tonia Callender as they discuss how mental wellness policy can promote resilience and support community connections, and explore the link between mental wellness and mental health. They…

Understanding GWI’s Mental Wellness Economy Data

Understanding GWI’s Mental Wellness Economy Data (A market that will grow from $181 billion in 2022 to $330 billion by 2027) In November 2020, the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) released Defining the Mental Wellness Economy, which was the first ever study to clearly define mental wellness as separate from mental health, and to define and quantify the mental wellness industry. Mental wellness was most recently…