History of Wellness

History of Wellness Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots. As a modern concept, wellness has gained currency since the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, when the writings and leadership of an informal network of physicians and thinkers in the United States largely shaped the way we conceptualize and talk about wellness today. The origins of wellness, however, are far older—even ancient. Aspects of the…

Will Wellness Become Simpler in 2018?

Wellness has long been associated with physically tangible offerings such as nutrition, beauty, fitness, travel destinations, and so on. But, in 2018, might it evolve toward less commodified categories like emotional well-being, compassion, gratitude, mental agility, social connection, serenity or reconnecting with nature? Because, while often not costing anything, these are increasingly the most proven paths to well-being.