Global Wellness Economy Monitor Press Release

Media Contact: Beth [email protected] • +1.213.300.0107 Global Wellness Institute Releases “Global Wellness Economy Monitor” – Packed with Regional & National Data on Wellness Markets   U.S. is by far the #1 national market, and key trends like mental wellness and more affordable products/services will boom in an age of Trump, income inequality and uncertainty DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT HERE  Miami, FL– January 31, 2017 – The Global Wellness…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of March 28, 2017)

New World Happiness Report – “Where Are the Happiest Countries?” – CNN, March 21, 2017

The UN’s latest World Happiness Report was recently released, and Norway took the “world’s happiest country” honors for the first time with Nordic/Northern European nations cleaning up: Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland and the Netherlands took the next five spots. The World Happiness Report 2017 ranked 155 countries with six factors explaining much of the difference in happiness among countries. Key finding: social factors like community foundations and trust play an underappreciated role compared to per capita income. For instance, countries like China and the U.S., which have seen recent significant economic growth, saw their happiness scores decline.

Mental Wellness Initiative Launches at GWI

The Global Wellness Institute has just launched an important new initiative on mental wellness. Its goal is to understand those pathways that help people thrive mentally as well as physically. This initiative will have a strong focus on collecting and communicating the clinical evidence for a wide range of mental, nutritional, and physical modalities that support lifelong growth of mental wellbeing and happiness, creativity and inner peace.