Massage Makes Me Healthy and Happy Initiative
Our Purpose: For thousands of years, massage and touch therapies have been a part of the healing traditions of hundreds of cultures around the world. From the hands of early Chinese physicians to massage therapists today, massage has been a natural and caring intervention that supports physical and emotional well-being. In other words, massage creates HEALTH & HAPPINESS.
For more detailed information, please visit our website at
The Latest News and Resources

Heather Zdan
Initiative Co-Chair
Executive Marketing Professional
Heather Zdan has over 20 years of experience in database and direct marketing in omni-channel environments. She is a passionate supporter of The Massage Therapy Foundation and Touch Research Institute through her work with Massage Warehouse. Heather is an avid user and believer in the benefits of massage therapy which she has used to treat chronic migraine headaches and to improve her health and overall well-being. Before joining Massage Warehouse, Heather was responsible for managing customer relationship strategies and developing marketing strategies to optimize customer contacts and increase profitability with Sears Shop Your Way Program, Hammacher Schlemmer and Eddie Bauer. Heather holds an MBA from the University of Findlay and a BS in Marketing from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Initiative Leadership
Initiative Co-Chair
Senior Vice President of Culture and Industry Relations Massage Heights
CG has more than 25 years of experience in the spa, beauty and franchise industries. Prior to joining Massage Heights, she operated a boutique spa consulting business, working with companies in the wellness, spa and beauty sectors. She also spent a decade as VP of industry relations…Read More
Karen Short
Initiative Co-Chair
CEO, Universal Companies
Karen is CEO of Universal Companies. In her role, Karen is responsible for direct sales, marketing and education initiatives. She leads a growing team of professionals in identifying and delivering products and solutions to wide range of customers including day spas, medical spas, resort hotel spas, salon spas, schools, and independent practitioners. Prior to joining Universal, Karen built a successful track record of executing….Read More
- Create a global platform and rallying cry around “Massage Makes Me Happy.”
- Consolidate existing clinical research and support new research for deeper integration of massage into healthcare and wellness practices.
- Stimulate advocacy by encouraging storytelling of the benefits of massage through massage therapists, wellness and spa professionals, consumers, caregivers, educators and more.
- Promote and market massage therapy and massage therapy careers worldwide.
Featured Reports and Resources
Wellness Evidence – Massage
This modality uses direct hands-on manipulation of the surface of the body to achieve therapeutic results. Massage therapy includes many sub specialties that are focused on specific types of injury treatment, stress reduction, or release of tensions. They range from forceful, deep movements to extremely light superficial treatments.
Initiative Members
Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.
View the research, trends, whitepapers, infographics and more from this Initiative, as well as a curated list of third party resources.
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