The Global Wellness Institute Initiatives prepared individual briefing papers to be shared with the public and Global Wellness Summit delegates. Those papers are snapshots of their industry sector and include valuable information on latest trends, challenges and Initiative accomplishments. Below is a full list with links to each paper.
Africa Wellness Initiative: Briefing Paper
Beauty Meets Wellness Initiative: Briefing Paper
Consulting Best Practices Initiative: Briefing Paper
Digital Wellness Initiative: Briefing Paper
Eastern European Initiative: Briefing Paper
Exploring Salt & Halotherapy Initiative: Briefing Paper
Global Mentorship Program Initiative: Briefing Paper
Hot Springs Initiative: Briefing Paper
Hydrothermal Initiative: Briefing Paper
Immersion Initiative: Briefing Paper
Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative: Briefing Paper
Mental Wellness Initiative: Briefing Paper
Social Impact Initiative: Briefing Paper
Sustainability Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness & Government Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness Architecture Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness at Work Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness Communities Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness for Cancer Initiative: Briefing Paper
Wellness for Children Initiative: Briefing Paper
Women in Leadership Initiative: Briefing Paper
World Retreat Initiative: Briefing Paper