Hormonal Wellness Initiative
Hormones—Is there anything biologically more important to our wellness?
Hormones are with us at every stage of life, affecting both the quality of life and the way in which we live it. Hormones drive and facilitate the reproduction of the human race and are vital for wellness. Clients are affected by hormones in some way, be it during pregnancy, menopause, the teenage years or modern living. It is often suggested that spas can help clients to sleep, de-stress, recuperate and recover. Hormones drive both the negative symptoms of stress and recovery. Our product choices, diet and lifestyle directly impact our hormonal status, yet little advice is offered by the wellness industry. The Hormonal Wellness Initiative seeks to change this through active research leading to hormonal wellness education and protocols.
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Initiative Leadership

Jennifer Young
Initiative Chair
Jennifer Young, Founder, Jennifer Young & Beauty Despite Cancer, United Kingdom
Jennifer Young is focusing on specialist skin care for those affected by cancer as well as emphasizes touch therapies for cancer patients. More recently, Jennifer has turned her attention to the challenges women experiencing menopause…Read More

Mark Kohoot
Vice Chair
Mark Kohoot, CEO, Areoscena LLC, United States
Mark Kohoot founded Aeroscena in 2010 to legitimize the use of aromatherapy through evidence-based, clinical research. Thanks to years of research showing positive outcomes in the treatment of pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia, Mark and co-founder Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at…Read More
Phase 1
To enable specialist medical menopause practitioners to appreciate the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical protocols to manage the unwanted consequences of menopause
Stage 1: Gather information as to the efficacy of the following for the management of the unwanted consequences of menopause:
- Aromatherapy
- mind-body approaches for example, CBT, hypnosis, biofeedback, mindfulness.
- HIIT training
- Touch therapies
- Herbal treatments
- Plant-based treatments
- Determine the specific symptoms (or groups of symptoms) addressed by these approaches
- Gather information on racial disparities in the traditional treatment of menopause, with emphasis on women of colour and menopause treatment
Stage 2: Share this information in North America via the professional bodies for specialist medical menopause practitioners
Stage 3: Collect data (via face to face standardised form filling) on the awareness of specialist medical menopause practitioners of the efficacy of the non-pharmaceutical protocols studies in Stage 1.
Stage 4: Use the data and evidence gathered in stages 1-3 to increase awareness of the efficacy of non-standard approaches.
Phase 2
Gather information on global variations in the use of non-standard treatments for the unwanted consequences of menopause as well as information on racial disparities in the traditional treatment of menopause. Information gathered in Phase 1 will be used as a benchmark.
Initiative Members
Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.
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