GWI Brief Science of Wellness Roundtable

Last week the Global Wellness Institute, in partnership with Scientific American Worldview, convened a Roundtable discussion entitled: “The Science of Wellness: Hype or Hope?”  Around this illustrious table were business leaders, scientists, journalists, doctors, technologists, researchers, hotel and spa owners and more.  It was a fascinating conversation and the resounding conclusion was that the Science of Wellness is definitely more HOPE!

Which are the biggest spa markets in the world?

The global spa industry grew 57 percent between 2007 and 2013, –  from a $60 billion market to a $94 billion market. That’s across three years of severe economic recession – proof that in nasty financial times people will seek stress-reduction. So, what are the biggest spa markets in the world today? The U.S. may still rank #1 by solid margins, but which nations cracked the top five – and top ten – over the last six years?

GWI launches

The Global Wellness Institute launched last week, and it’s the first website that gives the world direct access to the medical evidence for the most common wellness approaches, from acupuncture and massage to meditation and music therapy. It’s designed for consumers and doctors—and for wellness businesses, so they can put the “hard science” for what they do right in front of their potential customers. It’s the most powerful marketing message possible.

Harvard and Stanford Business School on Stress

This eye-opening article makes the point that U.S. workers are both overworked and overwhelmed. According to a recent paper from Harvard and Stanford Business Schools , health problems directly a result of job-related anxiety (like hypertension, cardiovascular disease and decreased mental health) now account for more deaths each year than Alzheimer’s or diabetes. Read more about how – and why – workplace stress is killing about 120,000 Americans every year…

Grass roots report on Canada and wellness

Canada is embracing workplace wellness (97 percent of companies agree that employee health is directly related to corporate success). The government has already measured the success of its own wellness programs, reporting they returned $1.95-$3.75 in value per employee per dollar spent.