Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of December 29, 2018)

New Office Hours Aim for Well Rested, More Productive Workers – The New York Times, December 26, 2018 A growing number of businesses are encouraging their employees to work when their bodies are most awake. The Loneliest Generation: Americans, More Than Ever, Are Aging Alone – The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2018 Loneliness undermines health and is linked to early mortality—and Baby Boomers are…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of December 18, 2018)

Wellness Trends 2019 The wellness trends forecasts for 2019 are rolling in. And there’s much to be excited about in the New Year—from “The Rihanna Effect” and CBD legislation identified by Well+Good to wellness Lab Rats and fantasy IRL identified by TrendWatching to Xennial camping to empowering adolescence identified by JWT Intelligence—and still to come…the Global Wellness Summit Trends Report to be released January 28,…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of December 3, 2018)

From Gene Editing to AI – How Will Technology Transform Humanity? – The New York Times Magazine, November 18, 2018 The most fundamental questions…Will we engineer our children and ourselves? Will AI transform medicine? Will we know too much? Will we live longer and happier?…are addressed from a rich variety of perspectives. How Cities Can Fix Tourism Hell – TechCrunch, November 17, 2018 Cities are…

Study: Lifelong Exercisers Have Bodies “Thirty Years Younger”

A new study from Ball State University, testing the cardiovascular health and muscles of people in their 70s that exercised steadily for decades, found that the muscles of these men and women were indistinguishable in many ways from those of healthy 25-year-olds, with as many capillaries and enzymes. And these active septuagenarians essentially had the cardiovascular health of people 30 years younger. The researchers summarized…

The Digital Divide Goes in Reverse

The digital divide is going into reverse. Until recently, it was all about access to technology; but now, it’s about limiting access to technology. Among those who know most about tech, the worry about the impact that digital devices have on their children is such that they are moving toward a complete or partial ban. In Silicon Valley, elite schools now eschew most digital devices…

New GWI Research: 5 Trends in Wellness Tourism

5 Trends in Wellness Tourism Wellness, hospitality, and travel businesses are converging. Since wellness tourism burst into mainstream consumer consciousness a few years ago, the industry has evolved rapidly. Businesses and governments are investing in developing new strategies, products, experiences, and destinations. Wellness, hospitality, and travel are converging in diverse and unprecedented ways, as businesses experiment with new partnerships and business models to offer expanded…