Wellness Tourism Initiative Collaboration Call

  Wellness Tourism Initiative Collaboration: New Research: What Will the Future of Wellness Tourism Look Like? Katherine Droga, founder Droga & Co, Adam Glickman, principal of Parallax Wellness + Hospitality, and the Wellness Tourism Initiative prepared an hour of insights and inspiration. During this Zoom call the team shared actionable results from their not yet released, global survey, which took the temperature of over 2,000…

Artificial Light at Night Linked to Mood Disorders in Teens

A major new study from the NIH (10,123 US teens) is the first to show that exposure to outdoor, artificial light at night negatively impacts teens’ mental health and sleep. Teens exposed to higher levels of nighttime light are more likely to have a mood disorder (including anxiety and bipolar disorder and phobias). This adds to the evidence that disruptions to circadian rhythms contribute to…

Surprising COVID-19 Outcome: New Sugar Taxes in the UK (Led by Boris Johnson)

A surprising winner of the pandemic might be a sugar tax in the UK.  Several articles in the British media suggest that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now convinced that being overweight was a decisive factor in the severity of the COVID-19 he suffered, and that led him to an intensive-care unit. This observation linking excess weight with an aggravated condition of COVID-19 sufferers is…

Accelerating Wellness Trends: “Digital Everything,” Even Less Meat, Functional and Immunity-Focused Foods

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”—although an overused quote during the pandemic, COVID-19 has proven Lenin right. It’s been and will continue to be a formidable accelerator and catalyst of existing trends. Here are several trends in the wellness space being fed by systemic connectivity. One overarching trend that will enormously benefit wellbeing in the post-pandemic era: COVID-19…

Investment Money Flowing into Wellness under COVID-19

A new article at WWD explains how if the coronavirus is decimating so many industries, wellness is not one of them. Consumer interest in being healthy has never been higher, and it’s leading to big spending in numerous wellness categories, from at-home fitness to food-as-medicine. Wellness investment is really heating up: from Lululemon buying Mirror for $500 million to Nestlé Health Science buying a majority…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of July 14, 2020)

The Main Street Manifesto – Project Syndicate, June 24, 2020 The economist Nouriel Roubini argues that the historic protests that have swept the US were long overdue, not just as a response to racism and police violence but also as a revolt against entrenched plutocracy. But this phenomenon is not limited to the US. In most countries around the world, a growing number of people…