Study: Women Who Do Strength Training Live Significantly Longer

Study: Women Who Do Strength Training Live Significantly Longer  A new study from Cedars–Sinai and other global researchers (using data from 400,000 people) evaluated the differences in the effects of exercise between men and women. It found that women who do strength training exercises two to three days a week are more likely to live longer and have a 30% lower risk of death from…

Obesity’s Impact on Economic Growth and Productivity

Obesity’s Impact on Economic Growth and Productivity By Thierry Malleret, economist Obesity’s impact on people’s health and wellbeing is well known, but its impact on economic growth and prosperity is less understood. Appositely, new research suggests that a strong positive correlation exists between obesity and economic inactivity, as well as negative correlation between obesity and productivity. In the UK (where obesity is estimated to cost…

Research in Action: GWI Shared Wellness Real Estate Insights at the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Spring Meeting

Research in Action: GWI Shared Wellness Real Estate Insights at the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Spring Meeting  At the full-day event, we introduced the concept of holistic wellness, the wellness economy (our favorite, the bubble chart!), and the size and opportunities for wellness real estate, focusing on the residential market. We discussed the growing importance and consumer interest in these products, and shared the framework…

Study: Long-Term Success of Weight Loss Drugs Depends on Exercise

Study: Long-Term Success of Weight Loss Drugs Depends on Exercise An important, new study (by the University of Copenhagen, published in The Lancet) of people who used and then quit a weight loss drug revealed that those who exercised while using the drugs kept off far more weight after quitting the medication than people who didn’t work out. Those who had taken the drug without…

With Global Warming Accelerating, “Coolcationing” Will Transform Wellness Travel

With Global Warming Accelerating, “Coolcationing” Will Transform Wellness Travel By Thierry Malleret, economist With key temperature thresholds being repeatedly toppled, there is a growing consensus within the scientific community that global warming is accelerating faster than expected. As a result, the trend of travellers seeking cooler destinations is now gaining important traction. Travel platform Virtuoso reported that 82% of tourists are considering cooler destinations in 2024. Accordingly,…

Access to Nature and Green Space Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege

Access to Nature and Green Space Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege  By Tonia Callender, research fellow, GWI We all need nature for our wellbeing. Whether we visit a national park or local gardens, nature and green space make us healthier. [i] Given that the majority of the global population live in urban environments, with vanishing green spaces, it’s not surprising that travelers increasingly…