Wellness Architecture & Design Initiative

Wellness Architecture & Design is a regenerative design approach which promotes health and wellness outcomes for people, the built environment, and for nature.

The Latest News and Resources

Initiative Leadership

Initiative Chair

Lahra Tatriele, Co-Founder & Chief Wellness Strategist, Alchemy Concepts and Co-Founder, Fivelements, Italy & Bali

Lahra Tatriele is an executive wellness strategist, creative director and business development entrepreneur. She brings extensive experience creating and executing innovative models for high growth markets in the U.S., Europe and Asia. As co-founder of the award-winning wellness destinations, Fivelements in Bali and Hong Kong, Lahra has led the company’s wellness strategy, concept, design and development efforts since its inception…Read More

Initiative Vice Chair

Valentina Cereda, Founder & Integrative Architect, Dubai

Valentina Cereda is a health and wellbeing architect, building biologist, feng shui consultant, land energy dowser and the founder of Energy & Space, a conscious design studio that integrates ancient teachings and contemporary sciences with architectural and design principles, to create healing environments that align to the frequencies of nature and enhance physical, mental, and spiritual health.….Read More



The mission of the Wellness Architecture & Design Initiative is to raise awareness and provide pathways for the implementation of an interdisciplinary wellness design approach, which delivers health, sustainability, economic and spiritual outcomes for existing and future designs and environments.

Initiative Members

Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.



View the research, trends, whitepapers, infographics and more from this Initiative, as well as a curated list of third party resources.


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