In the News
Read recent news reports about how optimism and a focus on health and wellness impact your wellbeing in a good way—and why being positive can lead to better health outcomes.
Fast Company—“Smart thermometers could be the secret to reopening schools ”
Spa Opportunities—“Dermalogica launches new safety strategy to help spas re-open safely ”
American Spa—“Telehealth Takes Center Stage During COVID-19 Pandemic ”
The Atlantic—“The Three Equations for a Happy Life, Even During a Pandemic”
The Guardian—“Coronavirus: nine reasons to be reassured”
New York Times—“Looking on the Bright Side May Be Good for Your Health”
verywell mind—“Benefits of Positive Thinking for Body and Mind”
healthypsych—“Look on the Bright Side: The Science of Optimism”
spa opportunities—“Two million people enrol on free online Yale ‘happiness’ course”
New York Times—“Stuck Inside? Keep Walking”
Business Insider—“People are making coronavirus and quarantine themed Spotify playlists”
Mayo Clinic Radio Health Minute—“How optimism improves your health”
Greater Good Magazine—“When Coronavirus Anxiety Is Useful and When It Isn’t”
New York Times—“Can Wellness Heal the Workplace?”
Thrive Global—“Some tips for making the most of this time”
Business Group on Health—“In this rapidly evolving situation, Business Group on Health offers current fact-based resources to support your needs.”
The Guardian—“Coronavirus: nine reasons to be reassured”
Stanford News—“Instead of social distancing, practice “distant socializing” instead, urges Stanford psychologist”
Good News Network—“10 Positive Updates on the COVID-19 Outbreaks From Around the World”
Information is Beautiful—“COVID-19 Data Pack”
The Atlantic—“Epidemics reveal the truth about the societies they hit”
Psychology Today—“Can looking on the bright side help you live longer?”
The Spectator—“Coronavirus and the cycle of panic”
VeryWellMind—“The many benefits of optimism”
Chicago Channel 7—“Holistic treatments: Stay healthy during flu season”
National Institute of Health—“Optimism and its impact on mental and physical well-being”
Harvard Medical School—“Optimism and your health”