Wellness Definitions

WELLNESS DEFINITIONS Wellness Defined The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. LEARN MORE Wellness Economy Defined The Global Wellness Institute defines the wellness economy as industries that enable consumers to incorporate wellness activities and lifestyles into their daily lives. The wellness economy encompasses 11 sectors, and we use the definitions below for the…

What is the Wellness Economy?

WHAT IS THE WELLNESS ECONOMY? GWI defines the wellness economy as industries that enable consumers to incorporate wellness activities and lifestyles into their daily lives. It encompasses 11 varied and diverse sectors.   Wellness is estimated by the Global Wellness Institute to be a multi-trillion-dollar market, with global spending exceeding $4 trillion every year since 2017. Its growth rate has consistently outpaced global GDP growth, with positive…

Wellness infographic

What is Wellness?

WHAT IS WELLNESS? Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots. The key tenets of wellness as both preventive and holistic can be traced back to ancient civilizations from the East (India, China) to the West (Greece, Rome). In 19th-century Europe and the United States, a variety of intellectual, religious and medical movements developed in parallel with conventional medicine. With their focus on holistic and…

MENA’s Wellness Tourism Market Ranks #1 in World for Pure Percentage Growth

Media Contact: Beth McGroarty [email protected] • +1.213.300.0107 MENA’s Wellness Tourism Market Ranks #1 in World for Pure Percentage Growth Global Wellness Institute Symposium at Arabian Travel Market reveals that MENA’s annual wellness tourism market is growing 13.3 percent, its spa industry 15.4 percent, and its thermal springs sector 30.4 percent; Experts tackled the unique opportunities for both medical and wellness tourism in the region Dubai, UAE…

March | Brain

Brainpower fuels our organizations, communities and a well life. We rely on this approximately three-pound marvel to learn, remember, feel, multitask, dream, focus, create, transform and much more. Yet, it’s easy to take the brain for granted. The following information is designed to help you successfully support brain health in your organization/company—and at home. We hope you will use these ideas to celebrate the amazing…

Immersion Initiative Trends

Immersion Initiative Trends As we emerge from the cocoon-like existence that managing the pandemic required, there is a collective urgency to revitalize, strengthen and heal from within. People are eagerly intent on learning or returning to the practices that encourage wellbeing and thriving in the welcomed dawn of a post-pandemic era. The mandated physical distancing and abruptly halted social gatherings forced unforeseen self-reliance and, for…