Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends 2023

Exploring Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends 2023 As yoga continues to grow as a wildly popular practice, the most prominent trend for 2023 sees an increasing differentiation between yoga and yoga therapy, a practice that shares yoga’s overall purpose while focusing on its clinical and therapeutic applications. This practice is being integrated in many different health and wellness settings, like the US Department of Veterans Affairs,…

Sound Wellness Initiative Trends for 2023

Sound Wellness Initiative 2023 Trends TREND 1: Sound Wellness Rooms in Spas and Hotels Spas and hotels are incorporating sound wellness into their facilities. While some spas, such as Burke Williams, feature special massages with sound therapy that may include anything  from prerecorded music to live performances of crystal or Tibetan singing bowls, others have a more intentional focus on sound as a singular healing…

Wellness Tourism Initiative Trends for 2023

Wellness Tourism Initiative 2023 Trends Wellness Tourism is consistently one of the fastest growing tourism segments. The Wellness Tourism Initiative is committed to helping the wellness industry understand that this is not a passing fad or static movement. It is a vibrant, creative, growing sector that will continue to lead the global tourism industry as more people worldwide seek healthier, happier lives. TREND 1: In…

Wellness for Children Initiative Trends for 2023

Wellness for Children Initiative 2023 Trends Many people around the world recognize that the health of adults begins with healthy children. However, more of us need to understand that wellness education in a person’s early years is key to long-term physical and mental health. The Wellness for Children Initiative is passionate about teaching children the benefits of being healthy and is dedicated to reducing the…

Nutrition for Healthspan Initiative Trends for 2023

Nutrition for Healthspan Initiative 2023 Trends For centuries nutrition has been recognized as a cornerstone of health. The Nutrition for Healing Initiative takes a sharp look at the latest trends impacting this vital segment of the $4.4 trillion global wellness economy. TREND 1: Upcycled food Upcycled food is a solution to the problem of global food waste, which currently stands at over 30% of our…

Hydrothermal Initiative Trends for 2023

Hydrothermal Initiative 2023 Trends The hydrothermal sector has experienced huge interest and growth in the past year, with many of our 2022 trends still very much in the spotlight. Specifically, “social sauna-ing” and the renaissance of communal bathhouses across the globe sees no signs abating. For example, activities like Sauna Aufguss, a communal sauna experience, are becoming more mainstream, while local, urban bathhouse facilities are…