The “Wellness Divide” between Low- and High-Income Countries Will Further Sharpen

The “Wellness Divide” between Low- and High-Income Countries Will Further Sharpen  By Thierry Malleret, economist As the International Monetary Fund’s managing director, Kristalina Georgieva, just put it: the global economy is facing “a confluence of calamities.” The three main engines that drive it are sputtering simultaneously. In the European Union, because of the war and the supply shock inflicted by commodity prices; in China, because…


6 trends that define the future of health and wellness–World Economic Forum, February 15, 2022 The pandemic has made people more health conscious and willing to embrace wellness (when they can afford it). A recent IPSOS survey sheds interesting light on how wellbeing will change in a post-COVID world and the trends that will impact it: (1) an aging population; (2) more virtual healthcare; (3)…

New Research! The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings Released at the 2022 Global Wellness News Broadcast

  NEW! The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings Report – February 2022 On Tuesday, February 8th during the 2022 Global Wellness News Broadcast, the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) research team presented and released its NEW research report, The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings–which focuses on the geographical trends and differences in the wellness economy. This research leverages the newly expanded and comprehensive dataset provided by the…


The devastating ways depression and anxiety impact the body––New York Times, October 4, 2021 The human organism does not recognize the medical profession’s artificial separation of mental and physical ills. Rather, mind and body form a two-way street. This article explores how what happens inside a person’s head can have damaging effects throughout the body, as well as the other way around. An untreated mental illness can significantly increase the risk of becoming physically…

Industry Research: A Dashboard that Measures the Benefits of Wellness Real Estate and Communities

One challenge in making a case for wellness real estate and communities is a lack of metrics that measure the diverse benefits for residents—crucial data for developers and investors. To remedy this, the GWI has created a dashboard of elements to measure in surveys and studies—from how the community supports behavior change to how they foster a sense of community and belonging. Read more about…

“Inconspicuous Consumption” Is Rising and Driving Growth for the Wellness Industry

“Inconspicuous Consumption” Is Rising and Driving Growth for the Wellness Industry By Thierry Malleret, economist  The joint forces of the pandemic and the climate crisis have accelerated a trend already brewing below the surface for some years: the rise of inconspicuous consumption. Nowadays, conspicuous consumption (i.e., buying expensive stuff for signaling) is often seen as vulgar, at least in the Western world, and is increasingly…