2022 Trends

TREND 1: Finding Peace Within is Self-care

At a time when everything around us seems afflicted and conflicted, finding peace within is the age-old pathway of the world’s great spiritual and philosophical traditions. There are many practices that can help us do this – and there is evidence to support the peaceful changes that result in brain, body and mind. This is not a retreat from action or responsibility, but a valid life-enhancing way of navigating through turbulent times and staying balanced and centered.

TREND 2: Aging with Wellness in the Twilight Years

As baby boomers age, their drive from across half a century and more for new ways of promoting an optimal and natural lifestyle is driving innovation and wellness, particularly mental wellness. Prevention of cognitive decline, recognizing the importance of social connectedness, music, dance, gardening for wellbeing and nutrition, integrative medicine and integrated communities for wellness retirement and ongoing career evolution, and financial wellbeing, are all part of this movement. Happiness and fulfillment in later life are the goals, and wellness pathways the means.

TREND 3: Re-shaping the Conversation on Trauma

Trauma is still a much-misunderstood phenomenon, and something that carries the stigma of being “damaged.” Recent studies show that 61% of adults have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. ACE (adverse childhood experiences), a term emerging from the original 1998 research explains the importance of understanding this. ACEs have been linked to premature death as well as to various health conditions, including mental disorders. Toxic stress linked to childhood maltreatment is related to several neurological changes in the structure of the brain and its function. Resilience is the response capacity in people to heal from these experiences and move towards mental wellness and thriving. Recognizing the commonality of this promotes healing and elevates to a more collective shared experience. This speaks to a strengths-based and holistic approach—building resiliency through the practice of Mental Wellness.

TREND 4: The Metaverse gets Mental

Virtual Reality for various wellness benefits is growing fast. Developments in this area, together with physical exercise/treatments, and behavioral change practices such as health and wellness coaching (HWC) is morphing into a hybrid model. These new therapies are being used to reduce phobias; as a major tool in cognitive behavioral therapy, in breaking unhelpful habits; and a “space” to relax and relieve anxiety.

TREND 5: Low-cost Biometric and More Democratic Wearables

The smartwatch industry has gained extensive knowledge in predicting and assessing our stress levels, based on resting heart rate, heart rate variability and sleep quality. The challenge has been their high cost and limited access as a result—resulting in a health gap between those who can and cannot afford it. This healthy lifestyle monitoring may be less available in some low-income countries and communities. The good news is the emergence towards culturally appropriate low-cost wearables to intervene in a way that is practical, relevant and affordable for the user. This is part of the democratization of wellness.

TREND 6: Indigenous Medicinal Ayahuasca/Rapé Rituals for Emotional/Mental Healing

Searching for indigenous medicinal Ayahuasca/Rapé Rituals as a means of emotional/mental healing and deliverance from substance abuse is a key trend. Traditional Medicine opens up for Forest Medicine (Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon área). More research and clinical guidelines will be needed to establish best practice safe and effective use.

TREND 7: Eco-anxiety gets a Name

During the past year parts of the world have been particularly plummeted by climate change, and this has led to subsequent out-of-control wildfires in which whole towns and many areas have been burned to the ground, followed by extremely heavy rains. These devastating tragedies have resulted in loss of thousands of animals, acres of farmlands and closure of vital infrastructure. Last year also saw first-hand exposure to a heat dome in places. All this has resulted in collective and individual “Eco-anxiety.” People are needing relief from this very troubling situation. The destruction of our planet is creating this very real phenomenon. Mindfulness and meditation practices support seeking a reprieve from this as people seek peace within themselves: Mindfulness creates the space in your mind for happiness and joy now. Meditation provides an opportunity for happiness and joy outside of circumstances and a calm base from which to engage in action to save our planet.

TREND 8: The Right Recipe to Exercise your Mental Fitness

Getting specific on the right “recipe” for exercise in maximizing mental wellbeing benefits is as important as participating in an exercise routine itself. Overall, three to five 30-45-minute moderate to vigorous exercise sessions per week appear to deliver optimal mental health benefits. And high-frequency exercise (3-5 times per week) is better for reducing depressive symptoms.

Source: John W. Brick Foundation’s Move Your Mental Health Report. Available at:

The Global Wellness Institute serves as an umbrella organization for numerous Initiatives, that are independently chaired and run. The resources, editorial, research and opinions presented by the Initiatives do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Global Wellness Institute.