Sustainable Development Goals Initiative

This Initiative will provide information for GWI Initiatives & wellness professionals who want to contribute through (in) their company and/or in their city to the global efforts of helping people live richer, fuller and longer lives.

Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate & Communities

WELLNESS LIFESTYLE REAL ESTATE & COMMUNITIES It is time to treat our homes as an investment in our wellness. The Global Wellness Institute believes that residential real estate is the next frontier that will be radically transformed by the wellness movement. Our homes, communities and surrounding environment directly affect our daily behaviors and lifestyles, and together these determine up to 80–90 percent of our health…

MENA’s Wellness Tourism Market Ranks #1 in World for Pure Percentage Growth

Media Contact: Beth McGroarty [email protected] • +1.213.300.0107 MENA’s Wellness Tourism Market Ranks #1 in World for Pure Percentage Growth Global Wellness Institute Symposium at Arabian Travel Market reveals that MENA’s annual wellness tourism market is growing 13.3 percent, its spa industry 15.4 percent, and its thermal springs sector 30.4 percent; Experts tackled the unique opportunities for both medical and wellness tourism in the region Dubai, UAE…

Sound Wellness Initiative

This initiative aims to bring broader awareness, research, education and transformational experiences through the healing power of sound, music and acoustic resonance/vibrational therapies.