Physical Activity – Global Wellness Economy: Looking Beyond Covid

Physical Activity This six-sector market grew 5% from 2018-2019 (to reach $874 billion), but revenues fell 15.5% in 2020 (to $738 billion). The fitness subsector (gyms, studios, classes) suffered a severe -37% revenue decline in 2020. Fitness technology was, of course, the bright spot, exploding 29% in 2020 to become a $49.5 billion market–with digital apps, streaming and on-demand workout platforms surging 40%. The segment’s…

Hot Springs Initiative Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information The following is a collection of research, practices and thoughts on how to work through this time of crisis and change. This information has been provided by generous and gracious members of our global hot springs community. Immune Boosting Research and Practices at Hot Springs – COVID-19 2021 EVALUATION OF THE POST-COVID PROGRAMME EFFECTS IN THE ENSANA REHABILITATION AND HEALTH FACILITY, MARIÁNSKÉ…

Traditional & Complementary Medicine | Public Health, Prevention & Personalized Medicine

Traditional & Complementary Medicine: This market spans different holistic, indigenous, ancient therapies and products (acupuncture, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, chiropractic, etc.). It grew from $376 billion in 2017 to $432 billion 2019, but contracted to $413 billion in 2020. It will see healthy 7% annual growth from 2020-2025, reaching $583 billion. Public Health, Prevention & Personalized Medicine: Another sector that saw positive pandemic growth (4.5%),…

GWI Launches Web 3.0 Initiative

Media Contact: Beth McGroarty [email protected] • +1.213.300.0107 All GWI Press Releases |  Press Image Gallery   |  Global Wellness Institute Press Room   | Global Wellness Summit Global Wellness Institute Launches Web 3.0 Initiative to Explore the Future Intersections between Technology and the Multitrillion-Dollar Wellness Economy Industry veteran Mia Kyricos, software pioneer Frank Pitsikalis, and other global technologists and wellness entrepreneurs will examine how the metaverse, NFTs, cryptocurrency,…

NEW RESEARCH: Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness: Posted strong 7% growth from 2019-2020 (from a $122 billion to a $131 billion market), as consumers desperately sought solutions to help them cope with pandemic stresses. The largest segment, “senses, spaces and sleep,” grew 12.4%, while the smallest segment, meditation and mindfulness, grew the fastest (25%). The forecast: strong 10% growth annually through 2025, to reach $210 billion. This Mental Wellness Report…