Wellness for Children Initiative
2023 Trends
TREND 1: Food and Mental Health
TREND 2: Integrating Retained Primitive Reflexes
TREND 3: Mental Health Literacy in Schools
TREND 4: Investing in the Arts
TREND 5: Getting Creative with Teacher Shortages
TREND 6: Implementing the School-based Wellness Initiative
 TREND 7: School & Family Partnerships Promote Wellness
TREND 8: Limits on Screen Time
TREND 9: Corporations Jumping in to Support Children’s Mental Health Crisis
2022 Trends
TREND 1:Â Teachers Leaving the WorkForce
TREND 2: Mindfulness Programming in Schools
TREND 3: Personalized Learning
TREND 4: Trauma-Informed Practices
TREND 5: Bite-Sized Learning
2021 Trends
TREND 1: Increased interest from parents in their children’s curriculum at school following lockdown.
TREND 2: Teenagers using apps to support their wellbeing, from sleep to breathwork.
TREND 3: Generational health—grandparents and their grandchildren engaging in wellness activities together.
TREND 4: Mental health being front and center in schools with more support for younger children.
TREND 5: Nutrition in schools improves as science supports the efforts.
2019 Trends
TREND 1: Children’s mental health and wellness
TREND 2: Family wellness retreats or wellness vacations
TREND 3: Generational Wellness
TREND 4: Children and their environment
TREND 5: Genetic testing for food
TREND 6: Back to basic connections, playful learning and team learning
The Global Wellness Institute serves as an umbrella organization for numerous Initiatives, that are independently chaired and run. The resources, editorial, research and opinions presented by the Initiatives do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Global Wellness Institute.