Sleep Initiative
Sleep is not just part of a healthy lifestyle; it is the foundation. And sleeping well is the ultimate preventative medicine and contributor to good health, as it is linked to lower body weights, improved mental and physical health, stronger immune systems, and lower risk of chronic diseases. However, insufficient sleep (quantity and quality) is a global public health epidemic that is often unrecognized and under-reported. It is prevalent across various age groups (as cited in this published research paper The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications and others) and is considered to have rather high economic costs.
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Initiative Leadership

Allison Howard
Initiative Chair
Allison Howard, Founder and CEO, Nollapelli, United States
Allison Howard is the founder and CEO of Nollapelli, a new wellness linen company with innovative products that promote healthier sleep, skin and hair. She brings a background in chemical engineering and 20 years of corporate experience in the US and abroad…Read More
JD Velilla
Initiative Vice Chair
JD Velilla ,Founder, Designing Sleep, United States
JD Velilla is the founder of Designing Sleep, a human performance and recovery company dedicated to improving lives through better sleep. Designing Sleep offers transformative services, including personalized sleep coaching, engaging corporate sleep workshops, and expert sleep consulting for forward-thinking companies. …Read More
The Sleep Initiative, co-chaired by Allison Howard and JD Velilla, exists to elevate international conversation on the importance of sleep. In our first year, we will uncover the factors that contribute to restorative sleep and share tips on how to incorporate these into lifestyles, homes and hotels around the world. Looking ahead, we will explore the interplay between sleep and other pillars of wellness (diet, exercise, etc.) and discuss evidence-based categories of products and services to help ensure restorative sleep.
Initiative Members
Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.
View the research, trends, whitepapers, infographics and more from this Initiative, as well as a curated list of third party resources.
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