The following Initiative projects are currently in development

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & WellbeingRegeneration 2030 event in Italy and connecting groups working with World Happiness Report

Africa Wellness Further develop “Yellow pages” and collaboration with Wellness for Cancer & Amref
Beauty Meets Wellness Focus on beauty and aging
Consulting Best Practices Webinar series & small white paper
Digital Wellness Preparing white paper & resource guide
Dying Well Hosting three roundtables and working on a white paper
Exploring Salt & Halotherapy Halotherapy Studies: Blood sugar, how exercise reduces bronchitis
First 1,000 Days Finalizing info card for distribution
Hormonal Wellness Gathering four year plan on hormones, two questionnaires
Hot Springs Sharing information on how hot springs boosting immunity
Hydrothermal Publish several e-books and focus on respiratory health benefits
Immersion Developing document to define industry standards and writing a white paper
Massage Makes Me Happy Massage Makes Me Happy Day March 20 and publishing a white paper
Mental Wellness Supporting GWI’s mental wellness research
Peer to Peer Leadership Training
Social Impact Launched micro-site and is collecting questionnaires
Sound Healing Research, youtube channel, develop best practices and write white paper
Supporting UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Event in Davos with SDG lab and implementation of measurements in cities
Sustainability Completed wellness & sustainability mandala and working on industry tool kits
Wellness Architecture Hosting roundtables and publishing briefs with short lists
Wellness at Work Creating a wellness at work pioneer award
Wellness Coaching Key deliverable to create awareness of profession and publish white paper
Wellness for Cancer Roundtable held in January, wrote position papers, doing a survey and developing a global directory
Wellness for Childrenr Working on integrative nutrition and wellness for teenagers, roundtable in June/July
Wellness Retail Completed white paper, to be published on GWI website
Wellness Tourism Write up of completed research study
Women in Leadership Getting more wellness companies involved; starting more lean-in circles
Yoga Therapy Hosting a roundtable on teaching and best practices