Sample Initiative
Aesthetic health is the art and science of understanding how the signs and symptoms of beauty impact our lives. Aesthetics, or esthetics, is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste, as well as the philosophy of art. Aesthetic health is represented by overall wellness that reflects in the conditions of skin, hair and nails, and general physique and personal countenance. The psychology of appearance is a key element in defining aesthetic health.
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Initiative Leadership

Initiative Chair
Dr. Melissa Sunderman, Title of person, Country
Dr. Melissa Sundermann is a double board-certified physician in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine and has been practicing medicine for over 25 years. She also has training in Integrative Medicine through the University of Michigan and has completed a Professional Training Program in Mind Body Medicine…Read More
Vice Chair
Randi Gold, Title of person, Country
- Establish and define the categories of aesthetic health: topical cosmetic, nutritional, medical aesthetic and psychological.
- Demonstrate the areas of provider application re: cosmetic surgeons, dermatology-cosmetic treatments/procedures, med-esthetic, psycho-dermatology, professional beauty therapists, cosmetologists, estheticians, registered dieticians and nutritionists.
- Identify categories: post-traumatic, acute and chronic illness; self-perceived body image disorders (BDD); congenital deformity; and aging.
- Gather current studies related to conditions, treatments and interventions, and influences.
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