Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative Trends for 2020

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative 2020 Trends TREND 1: Developing the Understanding, Emphasis and Use of the Term ‘Regenerative Economy’ The Regenerative Economy is a new world economic model, proposed as an alternative to GDP. It comprises an interdependent system measured by sustainability, happiness and wellbeing. Therefore, it extends markers beyond the merely fiscal to include planetary responsibility and personal fulfillment. In so…

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative Trends for 2021

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative 2021 Trends TREND 1: Long-Termism The long-term approach, seeing future generations as equally important as those living now. Taking inspiration from indigenous cultures considering seven generations when making decisions today. Prioritizing long-term thinking is a way forward to change our economy from an extractive model to a regenerational one. TREND 2: Urban Regeneration Incorporating living ecosystems into urban…

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative Trends for 2022

Beyond GDP, World Happiness & Wellbeing Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: An Explosion of Regeneration Projects, Initiatives, Organizations As a response to the many crises humanity has faced, the concept of regeneration creates urgency to take action on all levels, from individuals to national governments and everything in between. The deep desire to restore what has been damaged so far and protect the planet from…

Africa Wellness Initiative Trends for 2021

Africa Wellness Initiative 2021 Trends Africa has always had its own pace and special uniqueness. We have noticed some typical African trends and asked our wellness experts what they think will be particularly noteworthy for this coming year. Here is what they had to say. POVERTY Here we highlight the huge difference between Europe and Africa. In Europe, all the spa staff got furloughed, which meant…

Africa Wellness Initiative Trends for 2022

Africa Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends Africa: The Next Frontier for Innovations As the world continues to navigate post-pandemic and through other emerging global challenges, Africa has shown great resilience and with that has come great innovations that have an impact on many aspects of humanity (socially, health wise or environmentally). Through the TLC African wellness stories, I had the opportunity to interview some phenomenal institutions…

Aesthetic Health Initiative Trends for 2022

Aesthetic Health Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: Defining the Arts & Sciences of Aesthetic Health Paints a Picture of Overall Wellness The definition of “Aesthetic Health” includes the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of wellness and wellbeing. Just as the word influences how we feel so does the word influence of how we feel about the way we look. That however is only one perspective,…