Bill Bensley on the Travel Industry Post-Virus

Beth McGroarty, VP, Research & Forecasting, Global Wellness Institute asks: How will the travel industry change post-virus? What are some silver linings of the COVID crisis? Q&A with Bill Bensley, owner, Bensley Architecture, Interior Design and Landscape, Thailand In the hospitality world, Bill Bensley needs no introduction: He’s designed 200+ boundary-pushing, jaw-dropping hotels in 40 countries; he’s completely redefined and “rewilded” luxury hospitality in Asia;…

Wellness Evidence – Stay-at-Home Health

Study: Frequent Baths Are Very Good for Your Heart A new, large observational study (over 20 years) out of Japan found that compared with people who took baths less than twice a week, those who took baths three to four times had a 25 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and a 13 percent lower risk of stroke. Daily bathers had a 35 percent…

April’s The Wellness Moonshot: BREATHE

Strengthening our lungs and practicing conscious breathing (one of the most potent, accessible wellness tools) is more critical now. Controlled or mindful breathing can reduce chronic pain; lessen symptoms associated with anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, mass disasters and depression; and positively affect your immune system. Mindful breathing is also linked to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a better cortisol awaking response (CAR)—each a physiological key for meeting challenges with…

Post-COVID Futures: From Localism Rising in Travel to an Ongoing Obsession with Cleanliness

A few very simple points to consider regarding the impact of Coronavirus on the wellness industry at large… It will impact the wellness industry proportionately more than many other industries. The reason is the following: A large percentage of economic activity in the wellness industry resides in social forms of consumption, i.e., forms of economic activity that depend on physical and personal (“high-touch”) interactions with…

Financial & Mental Wellbeing Will Be Front-Burner Issues for People & Policymakers

MONTHLY BAROMETER   The abruptness and severity of the shock inflicted by COVID-19 have no equivalent in modern history. The pandemic’s power of exponentials has taken most decision-makers by surprise and brought a large portion of global economic activity to a sudden and dramatic halt. This has never happened before, not even during the Great Depression or the two World Wars. In Q2, global GDP…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of April 7, 2020)

Could We Come Out of the Coronavirus Crisis with New, More Healthful HabitCs? – Washington Post, March 27, 2020 Written by a US doctor, who looks at how, among those lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing and not be sickened by COVID-19, there are indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of…