Study: Just a Ten-Minute Walk Significantly Boosts the Brain

A new study from Univ. of California, Irvine and Univ. of Tsukuba-Japan found that just ten minutes of very mild exercise—such as walking—can immediately alter how parts of the brain communicate with each other and boost memory function. The researchers noted that very short and easy exercise can change people’s brains right away, and that the exertion required for this significant benefit is so minimal…

Wellness Businesses Must Be Eco-Friendly & Socially-Good Leaders to Prosper in Future

By Thierry Malleret, economist Monthly Barometer Recent history shows us that economic growth can’t be truly green, so what are the broad consequences for investors? (1) Any industry or company seen as being particularly damaging to ecology will suffer; (2) Any profitable business perceived as minimizing ecologically bad outcomes while maximizing socially good ones will prosper; (3) Militant environmentalism will radicalize in the future, wreaking…

GWI Releases New Report on Wellness Tourism Market—Packed with Data & Trends

Yesterday, the GWI released a new Global Wellness Tourism Economy report at World Travel Market (WTM) in London. This is the study that put wellness tourism on the world’s radar, and the new edition is packed with more regional and national data and trends than ever before. A few findings: Wellness tourism grew from a $539 billion market in 2015 to $639 billion in 2017—a…

New Edition of Hydrothermal Spa & Wellness Development Standards Book Released

The GWI’s Hydrothermal Initiative has just released a new edition of its popular Guide to Hydrothermal Spa & Wellness Development Standards Expanded by 50 pages, the book provides a primer for anyone—whether designers, architects or builders—on designing thermal experiences and wet areas for commercial properties or residential homes. It covers everything from project planning to construction considerations, including recommended standards and materials—and new for 2018…

Forces Shaping the Now $4.2 Trillion Wellness Economy

A recent article in Fast Company dove into the GWI’s new research report, the Global Wellness Economy Monitor, finding that the 10 markets that make up the wellness economy are now worth $4.2 trillion. GWI Senior Researcher Ophelia Yeung explains some macro forces that are now defining the wellness market: from people’s interaction with wellness now becoming less episodic and more holistic to how the…

Climate Change Happening Faster than Predicted; Seaside Resorts in Line of Fire

MONTHLY BAROMETER The debate about whether “green growth” will succeed in decoupling GDP growth from the total use of natural resources (that has been raging for years) is now settled by academic research. Every single reputable study shows that, even after accounting for rapid technological innovation and new taxes (such as a global carbon tax), there are physical limits to how efficiently we can use…