Hydro-Thermal Therapies are Essential for Building Health, Safety and Resilience in the Age of Pandemics

Hydro-Thermal Therapies are Essential for Building Health, Safety and Resilience in the Age of Pandemics This position paper has been prepared to express and demonstrate why hydrothermal experiences should play an important active role in this time of global pandemic. It was written by Professor Marc Cohen in collaboration with members of the Global Wellness Institute Hydrothermal Initiative and members of the Hot Springs Initiative.…

Hot Springs View Dials

Hot Springs View Dials The “dial” below is an interactive inforgraphic which helps the user find hot springs locations in various countries. View dials have been created for: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, India, Iran, Japan, New Zealand and United States. They can and will be generated for other countries in the future. The intention of these dials is to help create awareness that there are…

Other Hot Springs Industry Information – Studies/Reports

Studies/Reports – Other hot springs industry information 2019 Balneotheraphy-Brochure Balneotheraphy Care in Spas and Health Resorts in Europe 2019 The Great Victorian Bathing Trail Matt Sykes, Victorian Tourism Industry Council & Lynette Bergin, Fellowship Recipient 2018 2018 Global Wellness Economy Monitor, October 2018 Global Wellness Institute 2018 Guide to Hydrothermal Spa & Wellness Development Standards  Members of the Hydrothermal Initiative 2017 Initiative Briefing Paper Members of the Hot…

Hot Springs Initiative Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information The following is a collection of research, practices and thoughts on how to work through this time of crisis and change. This information has been provided by generous and gracious members of our global hot springs community. Immune Boosting Research and Practices at Hot Springs – COVID-19 2021 EVALUATION OF THE POST-COVID PROGRAMME EFFECTS IN THE ENSANA REHABILITATION AND HEALTH FACILITY, MARIÁNSKÉ…