Aesthetic Health Initiative Trends for 2024

Aesthetic Health Initiative 2024 Trends   TREND 1: Psychodermatology and the Holistic Approach to Wellness Will Revolutionize Skin Health  The question of how our psychological and physiological states interact to affect the condition of our skin and its appendages (hair, nails) and our general wellbeing continues to gain momentum. In The Anatomy of an Illness (1979), Norman Cousins demonstrated, through his own health experiences and…

Aesthetic Health Initiative Trends for 2023

Aesthetic Health Initiative 2023 Trends Ongoing research from the Aesthetic Health Initiative; Mental Health Impacts Aesthetic Health Impacts Physical Health Impacts Aesthetic Health. There is a circle that exists between our mental health, and our physical health and it is reflected in our aesthetic health. Whether through dress or actual skin, hair or nail health, the importance of physical appearance in diagnosis carry’s validity that…

GWI Initiatives Are Instrumental in Empowering Wellness Worldwide

GWI Initiatives Are Instrumental in Empowering Wellness Worldwide The nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) supports a wide range of important industry initiatives that further the growth of the various sectors of the wellness economy. Led by Initiative Chairs who are renowned thought-leaders in their field, GWI Initiatives have been instrumental in powering the growth of the multi-trillion-dollar wellness economy and uniting the health and wellness…

Beauty2Wellness: Mitigating Barriers and Building Bridges

Beauty2Wellness: Mitigating Barriers and Building Bridges Research Abstract Beauty animates much of our lives: we make aesthetic decisions constantly, based on how we want to appear, who we wish to spend time with, etc. But while we know something about the biology and psychological effects of facial beauty, we know virtually nothing about beauty’s relationship to wellness. This two-part research project will be the first to…