The Isolation of the “Peleton Wife”: Is a Backlash Against Virtual Home Fitness Ahead?

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION MONTHLY BAROMETER With hindsight, 2019 will be regarded as a tipping point for the digital revolution. The earlier promises of freedom, convenience, civic engagement and community building have given way to grave concerns and angst about privacy loss, surveillance, distrust, dislocation, manipulation and endless outrage. From an investment perspective, this suggests that both ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) strategies…

Trend: Coaching Will Rise in 2020

The world in 2020 will be on thin ice—both in real terms (accelerating global warming, a US election deepening political tribalism, a hard Brexit, Hindu nationalism in India leading to national fracturing, etc., etc.)—but also metaphorically. This may be the reason why techniques related to positive psychology and destined to improve our feelings of wellbeing and our ability to make better decisions are gaining so…

Discover Your Wellness Journey

Take the “Are You a Wellness Leader?” Quiz! “As you include more of yourself in your wellness journey, you will discover a deeper level of joy, wellbeing and purpose.”—Jeffrey Abramson, Partner, The Tower Companies As a wellness leader, you’ve been thinking about how to take better care of yourself while helping your family and colleagues be healthier too. You may have completed The Wellness Moonshot…

Is Eco Consumption Hurting the Planet?

Green consumption is intensely on the rise, but where does consumption end and consumerism begin? Is buying green products “en masse” having a negative impact on the planet? And how does that affect our subjective wellbeing? To figure the latter out, new research was conducted at the University of Arizona with a group of 1,000 young Americans. It concluded that people who consume less are…

Study: A Few More Minutes of Daily Physical Activity Could Boost Global Economy

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION A new study published by think-tank Rand Europe and commissioned by the Vitality Group states that being physically more active for a few extra minutes a day could give the global economy a boost in the hundreds of billions of dollars. This may sound excessive, if not slightly provocative or unrealistic (if it were that easy to engineer extra economic…

Emerge As a Wellness Leader

Take the “Are You a Wellness Leader?” Quiz! “January’s theme is “emerge,” a verb that means both birth and creation. Emerging can also be non-physical, as our thoughts and ideas emerge in our minds, and feelings emerge in our hearts.”—Jessica Jesse, CEO & Creative Director, BuDhaGirl LLC The beginning of every year reminds us to pause and re-center our lives around what matters to us…