Happiness and Subjective Wellbeing Are All About Expectations

Subjective wellbeing is all about expectations. For years, philosophers, psychologists and some economists have been arguing that a “well-lived,” happy life is one without too many expectations, hence the formula: wellbeing = reality – expectations (attributed to two economists (Baucells and Sarin) who published Engineering Happiness in 2012). Tailoring expectations is perhaps the trick: Many people in Finland and Denmark, consistently ranked as the world’s…

GWI to Hold First-Ever Symposium on Wellness Real Estate and Communities, Sept 28, NYC

GWI to Hold First-Ever Symposium on Wellness Real Estate and Communities, Sept 28, NYC The pandemic has greatly accelerated the demand for “well” homes and communities. To take a much-needed deep dive into this evolving sector, the Global Wellness Institute will hold the first-ever event that brings together top executives, real estate developers, investors and architects to examine the future of wellness real estate and…

Q&A: Harvard’s Dr. Steven Lockley on the Future of Wellness: Our Natural, Internal “Circadian Time” Becomes as Important as Artificial Clock-Time

Q&A: Harvard’s Dr. Steven Lockley on the Future of Wellness: Our Natural, Internal “Circadian Time” Becomes as Important as Artificial Clock-Time  The GWI has a new Q&A with Dr. Steven Lockley of Harvard Medical School (one of the world’s top experts on circadian rhythms) and circadian tech pioneer, Timeshifter CEO Mickey Beyer-Clausen on how the future of health and wellness is solutions that make our…


The one-earth balance sheet (We must track ‘nature capital’)–NOEMA, July 22, 2021 All the major problems of our time—energy, the environment, climate change, food security, financial security—cannot be understood in isolation: They are systemic problems, which means they are all interconnected and interdependent. This seminal article argues that we must consider Earth as a living being, and therefore amend the current accounting measurement frameworks to…

July | Calm

  July | Calm With iced Beijing “Coke” in the fridge, who’s afraid of the hot, dog days? Health Preservation During Major Heat Suppose the following scenario: You turn on the air conditioner, take out a chilled watermelon from the refrigerator, and let out a deep and satisfied sigh about all the blessings that modern technology can bring amid a blazing summer day. Do you…

‘Well’ Leaders Embrace Paradoxes: Be Strong, Be Vulnerable; Go Fast, Go Slow

” alt=”” width=”900″ height=”250″ /> New Report:  Effectively Leading Through Paradox Wisdom Works has released its first Be Well Lead Well® Research Insights report: Effectively Leading Through Paradox. Leaders now have to guide their organizations through an unprecedented degree of uncertainty, complexity and change. This means work environments full of contradictory demands and paradoxes: Go fast, go slow; be strong, be vulnerable; take control, let others…