Earth Day 2021: The Wellness-Environment Connection

Earth Day 2021: Understanding the Connection Between Wellness and a Healthy Planet From research on healthy built environments to information on why tree planting in cities is essential, the Global Wellness Institute trumpets the connection between a healthy planet and wellness. This Earth Day, understanding the convergence of wellness and the environment is more important than ever before. Healthy Built Environments for Healthy People The…

April 2021 | Hope

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Board and CEO of Wisdom Works Group. We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming—well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate. —Author, Amy Tan When you embark on a bold dream, such as The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease, you activate hope. The dream…

March | Stretch

  March | Stretch The red peach blossoms were moistened by the night rain, The green willow leaves were dampened with the fog of spring, The fallen petals are waiting for the servant to clean, The hermit is sleeping, though the warblers already started to sing. — The Joy of Pastoral Life by Wang Wei WHEN INSECTS ARE AWAKENING COMES THE TIME OF STRETCHING Nobody…

Save the Date –VIP Ambassadors Event: A Conversation with Thierry Malleret

  To honor the vital role Global Wellness Institute Ambassadors play in the global mission to empower wellness worldwide, the GWI is hosting a VIP Ambassadors Event: A Conversation with Thierry Malleret at 1 p.m. ET, Thursday, April 15. We invite you to join us at this “insider” gathering and learn what lies ahead for the wellness industry. And, by becoming an Ambassador, you will help the GWI provide its…

March 2021 | Prosper

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Board and CEO of Wisdom Works Group. “A seed today is a forest tomorrow.”” ― Matshona Dhliwayo When we engage as wellness leaders in The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease Initiative, it may seem strange to talk about the topic PROSPER. Why? Because people today often equate prosperity…

February | Revive

  February | Revive The soft wind sends message for thy flower, while the rain washes away the Spring dust. — Shen Fu, 1808 COMPLY WITH THE SEASON, ENCOUNTER THE SPRING “LI CHUN,’ THE BEGINNING OF SPRING FEBRUARY 3, 2021 IN THE YEAR OF THE GENG ZI (YEAR OF THE RAT), THE 22ND DAY OF THE TWELFTH LUNAR MONTH Since the establishment of the “healthy…