From Surviving to Thriving: 3 Essential Questions to Ask About Your Personal Brand

Author: Ellen Kocher


Every health coach reaches a point where they ask themselves, “Am I thriving or merely surviving?” A robust personal brand can make all the difference. Here are three critical questions to guide you in evaluating and refining your brand:

  1. What Makes You Unique? Reflect on what differentiates you from other health coaches. Your personal experiences, coaching style, and values are essential elements that shape your brand. Consider how your story and perspective uniquely position you to serve your ideal clients.
  2. Is Your Message Clear and Consistent? Consistency is key to building a recognizable brand. Review your messaging across all platforms — your website, social media, and client communications. Are they aligned and consistently reinforcing your core values and mission? Clear messaging helps clients easily understand who you are and what you offer.
  3. Does Your Brand Reflect Your Current Vision? Branding is not static; it evolves as you do. Regularly revisit your vision and mission to ensure that your brand reflects where you are now and where you want to be. Does it feel authentic? Does it resonate with the clients you wish to attract? If not, it may be time to pivot.

By asking these questions, you’ll gain clarity on whether your current brand is working for you or if it needs refreshing to better serve your goals.


Revitalize Your Coaching Brand: Steps for Renewal

If you’re feeling a disconnect between your brand and your practice, it may be time to consider a brand renewal. Here are a few steps to guide you:

  • Reconnect with Your Purpose: Start with a deep dive into why you became a health coach in the first place. What drives you? What impact do you want to make? Let your renewed sense of purpose guide your brand refresh.
  • Update Your Visual Identity: Your logo, colors, and fonts should convey the essence of your coaching style and philosophy. Is it time to modernize your visual elements to better reflect the transformative journey you offer?
  • Engage with Your Community: Use your brand refresh as an opportunity to re-engage with your audience. Share stories, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your journey. Authentic engagement builds trust and reinforces your brand’s message.
  • Leverage Testimonials and Success Stories: Nothing speaks louder than the voices of those you’ve helped. Showcase client testimonials and success stories that align with your brand’s message and mission. Let these stories be a testament to the value you provide.

Resource Corner: Tools to Help You Thrive

To support your journey in building and renewing your brand, here are some valuable online resources tailored for health coaches:

  • The Coaching Tools Company: Offers a wide range of coaching tools, exercises, and templates to help you create engaging coaching sessions and build stronger client relationships. Their resources can also help clarify your unique value proposition and brand message.
  • Canva: A user-friendly design tool perfect for creating visually appealing marketing materials, such as social media graphics, brochures, and newsletters that reflect your brand’s personality.
  • Buffer: A social media management platform that helps you schedule posts, track engagement, and maintain consistent branding across all your social media channels.
  • A comprehensive platform for managing your coaching business, including client management, billing, scheduling, and branding tools.
  • Free Training from our Chair Ellen Kocher: Level 1: Crafting Your Coaching Identity and Think Tank (NEW)! 1 CE ICF & NBHWC

Explore these resources and find new ways to enhance your coaching practice and personal brand and please share what you discover!


Your Next Steps: Align, Renew, and Flourish

Branding is more than a logo or a tagline; it’s a living, breathing representation of your practice. As health coaches, you have a unique opportunity to build a brand that reflects your passion, values, and vision for wellness. Take this time to reflect, realign, and renew your brand to not only survive but thrive in a competitive market.

If you’re looking for further guidance on branding, consider joining our upcoming workshop, “Building a Resilient Health Coaching Brand,” where we’ll explore these themes in more detail and provide hands-on activities to help you create a brand that truly represents you.

Warm regards,

The Global Wellness Coaching Hub GWI WCI Team


The above newsletter includes excerpts and research from 2 articles recently published by Ellen Kocher for the International Coaching Federation (ICF): and




The blog submissions featured on this site represent the research and opinions of the individual authors. The Global Wellness Institute and the Health Coaching Initiative are not responsible for the content provided. We serve as an outlet for health coaches to share their blog work and insights. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Global Wellness Institute or the Health Coaching Initiative. Readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for specific health concerns.