New Global Wellness Trends Report
To Be Released January 31 at the Annual GWS/GWI Press Event
The Global Wellness Summit’s annual trends report, The Future of Wellness, has garnered a reputation for predicting billion-dollar new sectors.
We predicted a booming Wellness Travel sector before anyone even used the term.
Now it’s the fastest growing travel sector. The Global Wellness Institute predicts an impressive 21% annual growth rate, expanding the sector to an over $1 trillion market by 2024.
We predicted mushrooms would explode in wellness before they became a multi-billion-dollar mainstream market.
Since then, a plethora of new medical evidence exists on how psilocybin can treat depression, addiction and anxiety; and mushrooms are widely recognized as a functional superfood.
We predicted “A New Feminist Wellness” when it was still taboo.
Six years later, we are seeing femtech companies become unicorns at unprecedented rates and a flood of groundbreaking companies emerge addressing fertility, menopause, sexual health and more.
Preorder the 2023 Future of Wellness global trends report to see what’s next.
The Future of Wellness is the only wellness forecast that draws from the insights of the renowned economists, medical and wellness professionals, academics and leaders across all sectors—from travel to spa to beauty to tech to architecture and more—who attend the annual Global Wellness Summit. Our long track record of accurately predicting trends makes this report the “go to” authority on wellness trends for anyone in the industry. Preorder the digital report before it is released on January 31 to save $20 and be the first to know the meaningful shifts impacting the business of wellness.
Savings end January 31.
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