Bonnie Baker, managing partner and co-founder, Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts and chair of the Initiative on Sustainability
Bonnie Baker, managing partner and co-founder, Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts and chair of the Initiative on Sustainability

With the sustainability conversation having moved from an “if” to “how and when,” the GWI has launched a new Sustainability Initiative, chaired by Bonnie Baker, managing partner and co-founder, Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts and board member of the Green Spa Network. The Initiative’s mission: spur a provocative, global discussion about how wellness intersects on a personal level and on a wider social, economic and environmental scale.

Read about this important project and its expert members.

2 thoughts on “Global Wellness Institute Initiative on Sustainability Launched”

  1. Hmmmm….hopefully the program’s efforts are authentically GLOBAL and not simply another initiative that uses the word within its title and sprinkles a few leading people of color to justify it! No… not cynical…just skeptical of the use of the word when Westerners create "diverse"-driven initiatives but demonstrate very little inclusion to help lead those very programs. Nevertheless, it SOUNDS great!

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