“Harvard Researchers Discovered the One Thing Everyone Needs for Happier, Healthier Lives”
– The Washington Post, March 2, 2016
(Hint: It’s close, intimate relationships)

Waldinger, a Harvard psychiatrist in charge of the Grant Study (it began in 1938 – the longest study of human development) presents its conclusion: the happiest and healthiest participants were the ones who maintained close, intimate relationships. It is that simple! By contrast, commercial projection of a good life – wealth, fame, career success – won’t bring health or happiness (contains a TED video presentation).

“The Changing Definition of a ‘Full Life’”
– The Atlantic, March 3, 2016

New ideas about what people can accomplish in old age come with lengthening life expectancies. As they continue to change, so too will our collective ideas about death and its timing.

“Sloan Kettering’s Quest to Prove Exercise Can Inhibit Cancer”
– The Wall Street Journal, February 29, 2016

This article reports about a trial that uses ‘exercise oncology’ to stop or delay the spread of a malignant tumor. If successful, it means that exercise someday will become a standard of care in cancer treatment, along with conventional therapies such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

“Why do people use flotation tanks?”
– BBC Magazine, February 9, 2016

Is this a new wellness trend? Yes. The number of people using flotation tanks – dark, soundproof pods in which people float in warm water for hours at a time – is growing. It seems that floating – or Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy – is useful in treating stress and anxiety-related conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

“How to stay sane on a business trip”
– The New York Times, March 2, 2016

Rule No. 1: Never let the gloom gain a foothold. Also: say no to room service.


A Striking Stat

“The global organic food market is forecast to grow 16% every year through 2020”

– “Research & Markets,” 2015