Dying Well Initiative

Death is the bookend to birth, yet it is much more resisted, unplanned and often avoided in most cultures today. The collective impact of the pandemic, and baby boomers and their elder parents approaching later life, formal religion declining, medicalization of dying, and increased urbanization across the globe is contributing to many more people dying alone or under suboptimal conditions.

Death is part of the wellness conversation. It is being re-thought from what a healthy end-of-life looks like to a surge in eco-friendly and creative burial options. Henry Fersko-Weiss, creator of the death doula, shares, “People that face death and impermanence live differently, better and more consciously; they realize that how they live matters; they make wiser choices about how they spend time and about how they relate to other people.”

The Latest News and Resources

Initiative Leadership

Amy McDonald

Initiative Chair

Owner Principal, Under a Tree Health and Wellness Consulting, United States

Amy McDonald is the owner of Under a Tree, a 15- year firm specializing in the business of wellness and has designed renowned international  experiences that support optimal health and financial sustainability. Specialties include customized turnkey concept, development and operational…Read More

Christine Caldwell

Initiative Vice-Chair

Christine Caldwell is is a Psychedelics Educator, Advocate and Founder of the educational nonprofit End of Life Psychedelic Care. Christine envisions a world where we all have access to the safe use of psychedelic medicines to help transform the death and dying process to one where the journey is sacred and peaceful. Christine collaborates with palliative and hospice care physicians, nurses, and chaplains, and end of life doulas to determine whether psychedelic medicine can benefit those faced with a terminal illness and, if so, how to safely facilitate their experience.

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The Dying Well Initiative’s core objective is to facilitate an ongoing, global conversation about death, dying and grief. Our priority is to continuously share resources and innovative options including an expert interview series, to educate and empower the wellness industry and the consumer.

    • Goal 1: Host and promote monthly Interviews with global experts on topics related to Dying & Grieving Well
    • Goal 2: Launch an Impact Technology Project
    • Goal 3: Continuously identify global experts to contribute to this Initiative and Collect resources to share on the GWI Dying Well webpage and our LinkedIn page.

Initiative Members

Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.



View the research, trends, whitepapers, infographics and more from this Initiative, as well as a curated list of third party resources.


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