Lifestyle Medicine Initiative
Our aim is to educate GWI delegates and the world about the importance of lifestyle and behaviors for health, longevity, mental health, and overall well-being. We will be bringing the best minds in Lifestyle Medicine, the ancient lessons of identification and research of the world’s healthiest, longest-lived communities, and principles of positive lifestyle habits. Combining the lifestyle approach to medicine and an evidence-based approach to well-being therapies and treatments along with 21st-century longevity research and diagnostics to identify ways to sustainably improve well-being.
The Latest News and Resources
Our goal is to foster sustainable services around wellness and lifestyle medicine to enhance and extend life, and to find the pressure points where healthcare and self-care intersect. Evidence-based lifestyle medicine has emerged as the future of healthcare, as it controls costs and delivers better health outcomes by treating root causes of disease. We are excited to exchange ideas and initiatives and build a bridge to/with other Initiatives to cross-pollinate and take advantage of the intersections of well-being innovations.
Initiative Leadership
Initiative Chair
Dr. Melissa Sundermann, Double Board-Certified Physician, Lifestyle Medicine Well-Being Coach, Co-Founder of REVIVE, United States
Dr. Melissa Sundermann is a double board-certified physician in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine with over 25 years of experience. She specializes in Longevity and Lifestyle Medicine at Lifespan Medicine and has advanced training in Integrative and Mind Body Medicine. Known as “Doctor Outdoors,” she is the Founding Chair of the Nature as Medicine sub-committee for the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. A passionate advocate for healthy living, Dr. Sundermann co-founded REVIVE! Lifestyle Medicine Well-Being Coaching, creates educational content for health organizations, and actively pursues outdoor activities, including marathons, triathlons, and ultramarathons.
Randi Gold, VP at Blue Legacy Ventures, Legacy Well-Being & Longevity, United States
Initiative Members
Meet the renowned thought leaders in this field who are collaborating to educate and evolve wellness in this area of global importance.

More to come soon.
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