Traditional & Complementary Medicine: This market spans different holistic, indigenous, ancient therapies and products (acupuncture, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, chiropractic, etc.). It grew from $376 billion in 2017 to $432 billion 2019, but contracted to $413 billion in 2020. It will see healthy 7% annual growth from 2020-2025, reaching $583 billion. Public Health, Prevention & Personalized Medicine: Another sector that saw positive pandemic growth (4.5%),…
NEW RESEARCH: Mental Wellness
Mental Wellness: Posted strong 7% growth from 2019-2020 (from a $122 billion to a $131 billion market), as consumers desperately sought solutions to help them cope with pandemic stresses. The largest segment, “senses, spaces and sleep,” grew 12.4%, while the smallest segment, meditation and mindfulness, grew the fastest (25%). The forecast: strong 10% growth annually through 2025, to reach $210 billion. This Mental Wellness Report…
May 2022 | Allot
Authored by Renee Moorefield, member of the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) Advisory Board and CEO of Wisdom Works Group HOW DO WE ALLOT RESOURCES TO ELEVATE WELLNESS FOR ALL? This question is at the heart of health equity. As Healthy People 2030 defines it, health equity is the attainment of the highest level of health for all people. Achieving health equity means “valuing everyone equally with…
2021 Traditional & Complementary Medicine, and Public Health, Prevention, & Personalized Medicine | The Global Wellness Economy: Looking Beyond COVID
Traditional & Complementary Medicine, and Public Health, Prevention, & Personalized Medicine
2021 Workplace Wellness | The Global Wellness Economy: Looking Beyond COVID
Workplace Wellness
2021 Wellness Real Estate | The Global Wellness Economy: Looking Beyond COVID
Wellness Real Estate