Workplace Wellbeing Initiative Trends for 2024

Workplace Wellbeing Initiative 2024 Trends TREND 1: The Rise of Precarious Employment A multi-dimensional phenomenon that is increasingly affecting various types of workforces, precarious employment, is on the rise, which might have long-term health and wellbeing effects across job groups and socioeconomic strata.1  There are several dimensions of precarious employment, which include employment security, income inadequacy and the absence of workers’ rights and protections.2  This shift is…

Aesthetic Health Initiative Trends for 2024

Aesthetic Health Initiative 2024 Trends   TREND 1: Psychodermatology and the Holistic Approach to Wellness Will Revolutionize Skin Health  The question of how our psychological and physiological states interact to affect the condition of our skin and its appendages (hair, nails) and our general wellbeing continues to gain momentum. In The Anatomy of an Illness (1979), Norman Cousins demonstrated, through his own health experiences and…

Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends for 2024

Exploring Yoga Therapy Initiative 2024 Trends TREND 1: Recognition of Yoga Therapy as Part of the Modern Healthcare Playbook As evidence-based research continues to validate its benefits, yoga therapy is gaining recognition as a valuable therapeutic discipline focused on health creation and wellbeing. This growing acceptance is fueling its integration into wellness management and self-care programs, including mainstream healthcare systems and teams. There are signs…

AI Initiative Trends for 2024

AI Initiative 2024 Trends TREND 1: AI and Wellness Data in Personal Health Management The application of AI to wellness data has ushered in a new era of personal health management, where every heartbeat, step and breath can be analyzed to provide personalized, real-time health recommendations. The key themes driving this trend are; the infusion of wellness data into lifestyle, the integration of wellness data…

Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends 2023

Exploring Yoga Therapy Initiative Trends 2023 As yoga continues to grow as a wildly popular practice, the most prominent trend for 2023 sees an increasing differentiation between yoga and yoga therapy, a practice that shares yoga’s overall purpose while focusing on its clinical and therapeutic applications. This practice is being integrated in many different health and wellness settings, like the US Department of Veterans Affairs,…

Wellness Tourism Initiative Trends for 2023

Wellness Tourism Initiative 2023 Trends Wellness Tourism is consistently one of the fastest growing tourism segments. The Wellness Tourism Initiative is committed to helping the wellness industry understand that this is not a passing fad or static movement. It is a vibrant, creative, growing sector that will continue to lead the global tourism industry as more people worldwide seek healthier, happier lives. TREND 1: In…