November 2021 | Give

Curated by Renee Moorefield, CEO of Wisdom Works Group and member of the Advisory Board for the Global Wellness Institute “No one has ever become poor by giving.” —Anne Frank In your pursuit as a wellness leader to create a world free of preventable disease, you have a resource at your disposal that’s easily accessible, abundant, and free: the contagious power of giving. GIVING IS A…

August 2021 | Prepare

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Boardand CEO of Wisdom Works Group. “Dig the well before you’re thirsty.”––Chinese proverb As an integral part of The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease Initiative, you are an ambassador who helps people prepare to make wellness central to their lives, communities and workplaces. Your leadership means intentionally promoting…

May | Embrace

  May | Embrace May all the uneasiness be blown away by the summer breeze while the joy and happiness bloom like the summer flowers blossoming in the bright and vigorous season. The Beginning of Summer No idea whether you share the same feeling with me. When you opened the door someday this May, the scorching sun and the green mountain in the distance surged…

Featured Reports

LEADING WELLNESS ECONOMY RESEARCH from the Global Wellness Institute The Global Wellness Institute initiates, analyzes, and trumpets authoritative wellness industry research. We believe that accurate and in-depth research and data on the wellness economy—and its 11 sectors—are the foundation of the Institute’s goal to empower wellness worldwide. Explore All Wellness Economy Reports Reports by Topic/Sector Reports by Date Reports by Region Featured Research Reports  …

Happier People More Likely to Observe COVID Lockdown Rules

Depending on the level of compliance with social distancing rules, the dark winter of the pandemic may well last beyond the “official’ end of winter (March 20, 2021), which raises an intriguing point about the relationship between wellbeing and the pandemic.  It is the following: are happier people more likely to observe COVID lockdown rules? A recent academic paper used three large-scale surveys to investigate whether happier people were…

Nutrition for Healthspan Initiative Members

Nutrition for Healthspan Initiative Members Our team members are experts in nutrition, personal and professional, and specialize in medicine, coaching, hospitality, technology, skincare, spa and resort businesses, community-build­ing, healthcare, marketing, and travel.