What’s the Difference Between Wellness and Well-being? Or is There One?

Shakespeare famously wrote, “What’s in a name?” The answer is a lot. Words, and how they’re mobilized, matter. The subtle ways that words evolve and the “work” they do have a major impact on how people think. Most of us have probably used the words “wellness” and “well-being” interchangeably. We probably haven’t thought much about whether there is (or should be) a distinction.  

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of April 19, 2016)

“There’s a Place in India Where Religions Coexist Beautifully and Gender Equality Is Unmatched” – Huffington Post, April 6, 2016

In a world struggling with virulent strains of intolerance and violence, the Indian state of Kerala is a symbol of religious coexistence, not simply tolerance. It has a unique mix of three of the world’s largest religions and is a model of how to keep multiethnic and multi-religious communities stable in the long-term. The founder and CEO of the Global Institute for Tomorrow offers a few reasons as to why it is so.

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of April 5, 2016)

“This four-letter word is the Swedish key to happiness at work” – Quartz, March 14, 2016

This short article looks at the “secret” to work happiness in Sweden – where workers are among the least stressed worldwide. It’s a four-letter word: fika…a coffee break during which employees leave work behind and relax in the company of colleagues. It is a key pause for the Swedish workday, and it may even boost productivity!

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of March 22, 2016)

World Happiness Report Released – “Denmark Ranks as Happiest Country; Burundi, Not So Much” – The New York Times, 3.17.16

The fourth World Happiness Report was released last week, and Denmark has reclaimed its place as the world’s happiest country, while Burundi ranks last. This year’s report finds that “inequality is strongly associated with unhappiness — a stark finding for rich countries like the United States, where rising disparities in income, wealth, health and well-being have fueled political discontent.” The world happiness leaders: Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden. All are nations with strong safety nets and more homogenous populations.

Global Wellness Day Coming June 11

The second-annual Global Wellness Day, the brainchild of Belgin Aksoy (creative director, Richmond International), will be celebrated worldwide this year on June 11. This very special day, which brings together exercise, healthy eating and inner peace/happiness at a series of public events (at spas, hotels, fitness studios, public parks, etc.) recently became a GWI Initiative. Global Wellness Day was an amazing success in 2015, and will blossom further this year as its being celebrated in 100 countries at 1,000 locations with 70 official Ambassadors across all continents.

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of March 9, 2016)

“Harvard Researchers Discovered the One Thing Everyone Needs for Happier, Healthier Lives”
– The Washington Post, March 2, 2016
(Hint: It’s close, intimate relationships)

Waldinger, a Harvard psychiatrist in charge of the Grant Study (it began in 1938 – the longest study of human development) presents its conclusion: the happiest and healthiest participants were the ones who maintained close, intimate relationships. It is that simple! By contrast, commercial projection of a good life – wealth, fame, career success – won’t bring health or happiness (contains a TED video presentation).