Just Released: 2022 GWI Initiative Trends Reports

2022 GWI Initiative Trends Reports The GWI Initiatives have just released individual reports identifying the key trends impacting their sectors. From an explosion of regeneration projects to artificial intelligence applications in aesthetic health arenas to telemedicine, the grief gap and wellness-at-home—the annual trend reports just issued from the many GWI Initiatives are rich with insights.

June 2022 | Ready

Authored by Renee Moorefield, member of the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) Advisory Board and CEO of Wisdom Works Group As leaders of The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease, we are up to a bold challenge together. We’re guiding something that has never been done before—a moonshot that requires us to step into leading new wellness possibilities. How can we personally ready ourselves for…

Strong Link Between Even Modest Physical Activity and Lower Levels of Depression

A new metareview published in the highly-respected JAMA Psychiatry reveals that even modest exercise (less than recommended by public health guidelines) can have a major impact on mental health. Just 2.5 hours a week of brisk walking was related to a 25% lower risk of depression–and the biggest benefits were seen when moving from none to some activity (rather than moving from moderate to high…


What Dinner Will Look Like in the Next 100 Years, According to Scientists (and Sci-Fi Authors)Rejuvenation of woman’s skin could tackle diseases of ageing – Bon Appétit, April 26, 2022  The food industry is preparing for major disruptions to come, brought on by forces such as climate change and changing demographics. The resultant innovation is widespread, and concerns seeds, farming practices, technology, water, distribution, and…

Russia’s Aggression Stoking a Global Food Crisis and Major ‘Wellbeing Inequality’ Issue

Russia’s Aggression Stoking a Global Food Crisis and Major ‘Wellbeing Inequality’ Issue  By Thierry Malleret, economist Russia’s aggression is stoking a major global food crisis which hurts disproportionately the poorest nations and the poorest people. The conflict is constraining production and supplies in the Black Sea breadbasket region (which accounts for about a quarter of all grain trades) and is wreaking havoc on food and…

Asia’s $1.5 Trillion Wellness Economy Shrank the Least During the Pandemic

Asia’s $1.5 Trillion Wellness Economy Shrank the Least During the Pandemic     The GWI’s recent research report ranks 150 countries by their annual wellness spend. It also measures every global region’s spend and recent growth rates. The report finds that Asia-Pacific is the world’s largest wellness market ($1.5 trillion), followed by North America ($1.3 trillion) and Europe ($1.1 trillion).  Asia’s wellness market simply has the…