Hormonal Wellness Initiative Trends

2021 Trends

We have been observing keyword search and hashtag appearances to measure changing attitudes and interest in the subject of hormonal wellness. The trends previously defined by our working group still persist, and COVID-19 did not seem to have any measurable impact on the attitudes of those seeking information on safe and natural solutions to perimenopause and menopause. Data shows that women have questions that are not being answered by their traditional healthcare providers. We conclude, therefore, that women are actively seeking natural and wellness-oriented alternatives to hormone replacement therapy.

TREND 1: Declining Searches for “Hormonal Replacement Therapy”

Searches for “hormonal replacement therapy” are declining. We believe that this is directly attributable to the change in perception around HRT. Ten to 15 years ago, it was the sole option for treatment, but over time, HRT has been criticized as more problematic than curative. We also suspect that much of the search activity on the topic is geared to negative, rather than positive, curiosity toward alternatives.

TREND 2: Searches for “Menopause” and “Wellness” on the Rise

Searches for “menopause” and “wellness” are steady and slightly increasing over time. This graph shows how the baseline searches are on a rising slope, indicating a growing interest in alternatives. 

TREND 3: Consumers Demand Help and Information

Women experiencing the unwanted consequences of menopause are becoming more vocal about their conditions and are not pleased with the information available to them. They are used to being heard. The deafening silence around wellness and menopause is being challenged by those who need non-pharmaceutical support.

TREND 4: Occupational Support

Workplaces are beginning to recognize this stage of life and increasingly provide support to their employees.

Different countries have different levels of sophistication in their regulation of workplace health requirements. More and more responsible employers are acknowledging the need to adapt the working environment to women who are experiencing a hormonal shift, as part of the larger battle for a quality workforce.

TREND 5: Medical and Wellness Professionals Are Challenged to Offer Solutions, Not Just a Diagnosis

The medical profession comes up short when solutions are demanded. Women seek support for the consequences of menopause and, most often, receive a diagnosis without further help or information. Both wellness and healthcare providers are being challenged to support and educate, providing pharma or lifestyle solutions, depending upon client values and beliefs. Unfortunately, few reasonable alternatives exist.